football Edit

Top 20 players for 2021: 11-15

Voting Criteria: Player's importance to the team in 2021, overall talent, and future potential for the upcoming season. A player's long-term/NFL prospects were not taken into consideration.

Voting Panel: Publisher Chris McLaughlin, and staffers Sean Hammond, Aaron Perkins and Aaron Coleman.

Previous: 16-20

15. Dalton Tucker or Tarik Adams, OT. 


Marshall will likely need both Tucker and Adams to play a bunch in 2021 with Josh Ball off to the NFL. Tucker's upside is very high and Adams has experience all over the line; so it may shake out that Tucker starts at RT while Adams plays the role of 6th man off the bench.

14. Brandon Drayton, S, Sr. 

Drayton's return from off-the-field issues last year was huge for the Marshall secondary. With Derrek Pitts gone to North Carolina State, Drayton's presence will be even more important this year.

13. Eli Neal, LB, So. 

By the end of the year I have a feeling Neal will make us all laugh at the absurdity of him bring ranked 13th. Neal is extremely smart and is a tackling machine at middle linebacker. As the game continues to slow down for him: watch out.

12. Jamare Edwards, DT, Jr.

Edward is probably the most under-appreciated player on Marshall's entire roster. Although Edwards is undersized for a DT, he's extremely active and productive and is someone opposing OCs have to gameplan against.

11. Alex Mollette, OG, Sr.

Like his buddy Will Ulmer, Mollette is entering his sixth season with Marshall. If it weren't for an injury that cost him a bunch of games a few years ago, Mollette would also break the 50 games started threshold like Ulmer will this year. Regardless, Mollette is key to Marshall's success in the running and passing game and needs o have a big year.
